Friday, January 23, 2015

Garden Plans

This year is my year for a garden! Last year was too busy and exciting for one, and while this year will definitely be the same... actually more busy :), I still plan on planting a garden. 
I have no plans to go overboard (I SAY THAT NOW) but to have enough to feed us fresh, natural veggies during the week and possibly.. if my mind wanders that far, I just might put up a few canned goods for Winter 2015. For now, I will just plan for food during week. ;)

I can definitely say I am excited! Setting up your own home, farm, is exciting and definitely special. I found some garden inspiration photos to help curate my ideas for Nick to see. I'm a visual type, hands on person so I need to see a plan before its a plan.... LOL

 But, look at those rows! UGH- garden jealousy. While it all looks so fun and charming now, I know there will be days I'll probably dread pulling some weeds. But, I actually am looking forward to making it a "family event", and letting little J run barefoot while "helping" Mama pick leaf lettuce for supper. I mean- with a nice Johnny Seed hoe, a lot can happen.... makes life so much easier in any garden really. (Ask my parents what our Christmas gifts were one year... ;D ) see it here:

 Also, finding little rocks on a Nature Walk this Spring is a definite plan for me and J... can add them to our garden and write the herb names at the end of the row. How simple.

I might be the only one (along with my husband) that has a strange fascination for wooden pallets... we've definitely had our share of them over the course of our few years together. This photo just makes them even more appealing... weed free, no hoeing AND cute. Could put it on my deck.

But yeah, I am not going crazy with any plans this year because we really want to enjoy summer with our boy... go camping and fishing and boating... lots of nice family friendly lakes around us. 
I've got my garden list ready..... what are your garden plans for summer this year? 

P.S. I can see these at the end of my garden rows too.....
some sweet Ageratums....