Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fall is in the air today

So I did not have time last evening to post my promised photos of the rest of the Fall decor but I have a moment now while sweet one naps. 
I'm super excited about the vintage halloween lamp I found at Goodwill! $4 and its an old ceramic piece with a pumpkin and cat on top. I have yet to try and see if the lamp works as it didn't have a bulb, but if nothing else it could just be a cute display piece for this season. 

There's some shots of the pumpkins we grabbed from our Amish neighbors the other day. They actually are pretty big pumpkins! I would guess around 15 lbs.... seems heavy to me... maybe because I'm 26 weeks pregnant? :)

Some of the photos also show my newly painted furniture pieces I did in the white color. 


That "Trick-Or-Treat" sign was a Home Goods find. 

This adorable hutch cupboard was left here when we moved in, my Mom gave it to me! The black lantern was from our farm where we lived off grid, as well as that wreath arrangement and garland.

Love the Indian corn!

Cute little highchair with a mini pumpkin, I am thinking of repainting this white and sanding it to scuff it up. Thoughts?

Back porch shenanigans! This little boy loves pumpkins and helping his mama outside, SO much!

Old box was found in one of the many outbuildings when we moved here as well as the galvanized tin. This arrangement is sitting up against the front of the garage. 

Chicken Coop. One of my favorite barns here! We have a few chickens inside, and hopefully will be adding to the brood next Spring.

Simple cut log pieces from an old tree. We used bigger pieces for our wedding, and these may have been leftovers from that day!

Burlap pillowcases (made by my mom HomemakerAng ( )

26 weeks with our baby girl.... Getting so excited!!

This is NOT a good photo, but above the cupboard I recently repainted (still have sanding to do) I placed our "Ceremony" sign from our wedding up above. I wanted a little bit of Rustic Charm added to the room as I don't want it looking too modern. We had this sign nailed to one of the old apple trees at the farm, to direct guests to our ceremony site. Precious memories. 

The $4 lamp I thrifted. I just thought it was adorable. If the lamp plug in doesn't work, I will use as a solid decorating piece because... well its cute!

Share your thoughts! Would love to hear from some of you readers! What would you like to see or read more of from me? 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


So excited fall is finally here. The cooler temps AND the colors! I will be posting later tonight some shots of the pumpkins and gourds I have around the house, but for now just a photo of the living room sofa. Kind of love it!
I actually have more unpacking to do yet, as this look is a little too modern for me, I need some of my vintage wares and barn wood brought out from the boxes and garage.

Coffee table use to be a dark wood color, I repainted it white. Pillows are either slipcovers I made or from our wedding head table (mom made those!) and it was featured in Romantic Prairie Weddings book by Fifi O'Neill. 

Hydrangeas are from Grandma and the rest is thrifted or given to me (minus the slipcover). 
Rug- Home Goods clearance rack. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

DIY Toddler Shower Paint

This was another great recipe, most of which I did have on hand at home- except for the baby soap and food coloring. I usually steer clear of those, and will try to make them natural whenever possible. I ran to the Dollar store for these as they had both items!

We had fun making and using this one as well. I haven't used it in our shower yet for little one, we actually have an "all purpose" toddler table from IKEA that I like to use indoor/outdoor for him. The top of it is super easy to wash off, so thats where we headed. Afterwards... just hosed it down before drying it and bringing back inside!

I will post the link here for you to go read if interested. My SIL shared it with me, as she loves it for her little one too.

 Also used cheap containers from the dollar store. Wanted something that can be "child safe" and if it falls down in the shower, won't shatter!

"Bear" the pup loved the paints too! While I definitely wouldn't encourage anyone to "eat" the paint, it is better than regular paint. Its just cornstarch, food coloring and baby soap. Still would taste funny though LOL. 

(ALSO- Here is the table :). Pretty affordable, and we love how versatile it is for our needs. Perfect to bring outside or in, and can be hosed down even. Crayon/marker/paints all wash off this table super easy. Some require more elbow grease than others. ) 

LINK: I had to take it off Ebay as thats the ONLY place I could find it.  

Bubble Boos and Popping pumpkins

I'm going to copy and paste the directions for the popping pumpkins below. These were super fun, and we had such a great time making them. Very cheap and easy as well!
These are my photos but seriously, great activities for the little ones (and mom)

Bubbling Boo & Pumpkin Bombs Materials List
  • Baking soda
  • Corn starch
  • Vinegar
  • Zip seal bags
  • Orange food coloring for the pumpkin bombs
  • A marker
  • Toilet paper
Start by drawing pumpkin and ghost faces on the zip seal bags.  We used a permanent marker and sandwich size bags.  Larger bags will also work; you will just need more of the active ingredients.

Once the faces on the bags are dry you can either fill them all in advance with the vinegar or fill them outside as you go.  You want to fill each bag at least one third of the way but not more than half way.  Anywhere in between is perfect.  Mix in a bit of corn starch for color.   
you will also want to add orange food coloring to the pumpkin bags
For each bag you will need to make a baking soda bomb.  All you need to do is place baking soda in the middle of a square of toilet paper and them fold into a ball. (Don't add to the bags yet!)

You will want to let off one boo or pumpkin at a time.  Seal the bag almost all the way, leaving just enough room to place a baking soda bomb in.  Do not let the bomb go until you have sealed the bag all the way - 
Double check to make sure the zipper is 100% sealed before letting go

Then let go of the baking soda bomb, give the bag a quick shake, and set it down.  The bag will slowly fill until it POPS & explodes, sending colorful bubbling liquid flying

*This was so fun! See more at :BUBBLE BOOS AND POPPING PUMPKINS

She has tons of fun ideas and crafts to make with your child! We made some shower paint also, as well as some fall crafts. (From pinterest). Let me know if you try this, and how you thought it worked! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fresh Coat of Paint

I definitely wish I took a before and after shot for the buffet piece... but look how they turned out! I wanted something "fresh" to brighten up the living room interior (anything to help bring light in for the long winter months ahead) , and decided to go with white. I may or may not scuff them up a little, but little man is doing a lot of that for his Mama already.
I will take better photos this week as the lighting for these is terrible. The bookshelves next to the couch are next!

Master Bedroom.

While out shopping today, my hubby and I found these adorable pillowcases! Definitely one of my favorite finds with him. ;-) He was excited too. So cute!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Painting mania

These last few weeknights, I have stayed up till way too late doing some projects on some furniture pieces. Its been a long time coming, and once I get little man asleep... that is my "quiet time" and time to get lots of stuff done at home.
I have recovered 3 pieces and have a few more to go... will be sharing pics soon. Love how they have turned out so far. Got to throw the last coat on tonight, and scuff them up with some sandpaper and maybe some light wax yet. Can you guess the color?? :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mini Tour

I wanted to start giving little glimpses here and there of our farmhouse... I've given some already, and there are still some rooms that are not set up as we do not need to use them at current moment.
Here's a few shots around the Kitchen, Dining room, Master bedroom and a few of our main living space... More to come!

French water bottles and an antique bread warmer for those cool days ahead. (don't mind all the shadows in pics- I'm using my iPhone cam!) 

Antique hutch cupboard, my Mom left this for me! (swoon!!)

More Antique dishes and my Great Grandpa's box from Lithuania

Dining area - New farm family table!

my Zinnias... 

Into white lately... looks so clean and simple. But chic!

Antique lace, sunflowers and big white fluffy bedding... so relaxing at the end of the day!

Antique wreath

My mom makes a snappy ice tea with this... its SO GOOD. Tastes like chai, but with more spice. I love it and best part is NO SUGAR!! :)

Little man caught a tree frog today... hopped right out at me in the sunflower bed. He thought it was hilarious of course... ;)

See- white on white again :)

Plans to repaint some of my furniture pieces soon.... bookshelf, cupboard and scruff up a "modern-ish" coffee table.... 
Thinking of white (surprise) or a light grey color... any thoughts? 

More photos to come... and I hope the next are better quality... but no camera besides iPhone so this will have to do! 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

"Less is More."

I have come across so many inspiring articles and blogs lately that have really been shouting 'Less is More' propaganda. I love it! This is a fresh season for us, with fall on the way, and a new member of the family come Winter.... Something that I have always tried to keep with me is the little something I learned while growing up with no modern day conveniences (no running water, no electricity, wood stove and cookstove etc.) ... its really simple: Less is More. 

Todays world is so materialistic its hard not to want so many "things" and "stuff". Even just generally speaking! God has really been placing it on my heart to start instilling this lifestyle better into our home, and my husband agrees!
God calls us to go out and spread His Word, ask for Forgiveness, live out His Will for US, take care of the widowed and poor.. and really its pretty simple. Why is it so hard to remember these things on a day to day basis sometimes?
             Its a rambling post, but I hope to make somewhat of a point here...
 Less is More, even in decorating, in household duties..... Don't overdo things!!! Don't be "greasy grace" in your Christian walk. God isn't going to hand the golden donut over to you on your last day after you did NOTHING for His Kingdom!!  (a whole other post I will be doing someday).

I don't want all the extra baggage and "stuff" the world can and does offer me. I want (we want) what God offers us daily, hourly, minute by minute.... 
Simplify. Less is More. De- clutter your life: Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.
We want God's best for us this season! We want to act on His will and what He has for us to go out and do. I want to simplify our life, our home....
No this might not be a "lifestyle move away from people" change. It could be as simple as get rid of JUNK we don't need. Get rid of EXTRA NECESSITIES that you don't really "need".

I have lived with so little in my lifetime and God always came through for us! He was never late, but always on time... even if it was minutes before we needed something. Those were some of the happiest days. The hardest I have ever worked, cried, prayed and laughed. God brought me my husband during those days as well.

If you get anything out of my rambling rant da rant rant post- its that Less is More. And I pray God will find you right where you may be at Spiritually and emotionally... and wrap His Love around you because its going to be ok!! What do we really need in life besides God and Family, people?

MATTHEW 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

God will meet you right where you're at. Remove the stuff in life that builds up between you and Him!

(this post was mostly for me :). But wanted to share as I feel its trying to resonate here on our Farm)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Corner of my laundry room

It's not cold out, but today seemed like a "candle day". We have had storms on and off this week, and even with these crazy hot temps of 90+ degrees (record high for the past 3 years for the Mitten State!), we have a few trees starting to turn color. I am ready for fall.... I'm ready to be a mommy for a second time :). What a blessing that is, to be given such a gift, entrusted to my husband and I- raising a child for the Lord. 

We pray for His Will and His best for our family!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shabby Chic inspo

Ordered new slipcovers online from Target. I took advantage of their FREE shipping and 20% off code I had. WIN! Two slipcovers in white coming our way, one for our big chair and one for the sofa. Super stoked. Will I regret white with little ones a big dog? eh, maybe... but the power of bleach! I think it will really brighten the living room, and give it a "crisp" look. Any other mommas out there with white slipcovers?? TELL ME IM NOT ALONE! LOL. oh well, I think this pic is just gorgeous... its out of Rachel Ashwell's first "Shabby Chic" book she did on home decor. 
The bulldog photo is different- but it gives the room something "out of the norm"  I think. And that orchid.... love!

Tips for making your Farm bouquets last longer

So, I've come across several good tips that are tried AND true (hard to come by sometimes, eh? :) ). 
I have always had  a problem with cutting my flowers, bringing them in and they just sit and look depressed after several days. Now, I want to share whats worked for me, along with pictures to show you. Simple tips and it works. 

Day 1: 
My first sunflower of the season, they are small but nonetheless super cute! Here she is on day one...

My zinnias- my mom planted these for me and they are all different sizes, the picture below you can see that is a much bigger one. But these little ones are fun to stack together in a terrarium bowl!

This one was a little wilty from the heat, hence the reason I brought her inside... she held up amazingly well though the past week and a half!

Ok, so what I read up on was make sure you give your flowers FRESH water every day... not just "add to the bowl". Literally dump it out and start fresh. That made a big difference I think, otherwise you have yucky slime water that just erodes the flower stem. 
2. Get RID of all browning or slimy leaves or stem parts, I personally think if you leave this just sitting on the flower or sitting in the bowl it opens the door for wilt and stink much quicker than if it wasn't there. 
3. DON'T SET IN FULL SUN! :). Once you pick the flower from its natural root, and take it from that where it can handle the sunshine, flowers aren't as healthy to withstand the suns rays obviously... so Don't set your bouquet or flower(s) in full sun. Find a room semi sunny, and perch the vase on a table top or shelf where its still semi-sunshine in there... but not direct sun. That was a mistake I kept making before.... 
My flowers have now been indoors with fresh water daily, and I also have been keeping the erosion out of the water the best I can. Keep your bowls/vase FULL. You want all the green "parts" immersed in water. Keep them as hydrated as possible... now that you snapped them off their stems outside. 

These are now pics from going into the last part of week 1 1/2: you won't believe it!!

I'm happy :-). 
This pregnant lady is ready for fall and cooler weather, but I am hoping to hang onto my flowers as long as I can. May press and save some, but I enjoy having them on our family table and shelves TOO MUCH! Blessings all.