Saturday, September 5, 2015

"Less is More."

I have come across so many inspiring articles and blogs lately that have really been shouting 'Less is More' propaganda. I love it! This is a fresh season for us, with fall on the way, and a new member of the family come Winter.... Something that I have always tried to keep with me is the little something I learned while growing up with no modern day conveniences (no running water, no electricity, wood stove and cookstove etc.) ... its really simple: Less is More. 

Todays world is so materialistic its hard not to want so many "things" and "stuff". Even just generally speaking! God has really been placing it on my heart to start instilling this lifestyle better into our home, and my husband agrees!
God calls us to go out and spread His Word, ask for Forgiveness, live out His Will for US, take care of the widowed and poor.. and really its pretty simple. Why is it so hard to remember these things on a day to day basis sometimes?
             Its a rambling post, but I hope to make somewhat of a point here...
 Less is More, even in decorating, in household duties..... Don't overdo things!!! Don't be "greasy grace" in your Christian walk. God isn't going to hand the golden donut over to you on your last day after you did NOTHING for His Kingdom!!  (a whole other post I will be doing someday).

I don't want all the extra baggage and "stuff" the world can and does offer me. I want (we want) what God offers us daily, hourly, minute by minute.... 
Simplify. Less is More. De- clutter your life: Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.
We want God's best for us this season! We want to act on His will and what He has for us to go out and do. I want to simplify our life, our home....
No this might not be a "lifestyle move away from people" change. It could be as simple as get rid of JUNK we don't need. Get rid of EXTRA NECESSITIES that you don't really "need".

I have lived with so little in my lifetime and God always came through for us! He was never late, but always on time... even if it was minutes before we needed something. Those were some of the happiest days. The hardest I have ever worked, cried, prayed and laughed. God brought me my husband during those days as well.

If you get anything out of my rambling rant da rant rant post- its that Less is More. And I pray God will find you right where you may be at Spiritually and emotionally... and wrap His Love around you because its going to be ok!! What do we really need in life besides God and Family, people?

MATTHEW 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

God will meet you right where you're at. Remove the stuff in life that builds up between you and Him!

(this post was mostly for me :). But wanted to share as I feel its trying to resonate here on our Farm)

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